

Friday, August 5, 2011

The last day of total relaxation...

No one can get inner peace by pouncing on it.  ~Harry Emerson Fosdick

This will be my last post from our wonderful week of relaxation at Sanibel!! :( 
We get back on the Auto Train tomorrow headed back North.  I must say, we feel like we did actually get to relax, we spent a lot of time on the beach, and that seems to really make a difference!  The weather has been perfect!!

We got up yesterday and went out early as low tide was at ~11:00, the place where we dug yesterday was 'high and dry' completely out of the water so we decided to shell the tidal pools until the tide came back in some.  We did pretty well....hubby got this super awesome Kings Crown! He always finds one between here and Sundial, but it's always alive!!  This time it wasn't!!  He wins the trip trophy with this one, it's HUGE and so gorgeous!....It will find itself at the shelling place of honor at our house, on top of our stereo where we see them to my Scotch Bonnet, his Junonia and several other special shells! 

 After lunch we went back to 'the digging spot' and found a few things I got this really pretty true tulip....
 All in all the shelling was pretty good this week! I got lots of minis which I will need for this year's project.....shhh it's a secret, can't tell you until after Christmas!!

 We went back to Hungry Heron to have one last dinner with Lori, our favorite waitress...then back out to shell a little more....It was a beautiful sunset here last night, but I didn't have my camera on the beach with me....but take my word for it, it was gorgeous!

During the day we sat under the umbrella once again and took in the sights....I have started naming birds and people so Hubby knows who I am talking about...this is Larry the sandpiper....he likes to just relax on one leg!! He was with us every day!!


This snowy plover hasn't gotten a name, he's new on the scene!!

 We ought to call these guys The Platters.... they hung around together and did everything in sync!!
 And I named this guy Clyde, he and several others fished and fished and fished, Clyde however was the only one we saw catch anything....and what a beautiful Snook he caught....but he set him free, back into the Gulf...(I think there is a season for Snook)

Today we went out before the low tide (noon) and walked the tidal pools, we did pretty well...we have become 'shell snobs' of sort, so we look for all shells in good shape....especially the last day,....(they have to be cleaned and dried in time to pack up!!) 

Pam from iLoveShelling sent me an email yesterday and wanted to meet since we have blogged and emailed but never seemed to  get together and meet face to we emailed our plans and we finally got to see each other!!  She came by and Hubby and I talked with her for a little while!  What a sweetie she is...and I think we have so much in common!!  We both truly love shelling, and all things Sanibel....and the blogging family we have acquired!!

I feel like I have met someone famous, Pam is lucky enough to call this paradise her home, and I hope one day Hubby and I will be able to do the same!! So cool!!

Here are today's finds... as I said...we went out for a short time around10:00 or so, and it quickly got really hot!!  Hubby even took a dip in the Gulf!!

Check out this BEAUTIFUL Alphabet Cone Hubby picked up!!

My favorite...A Horse conch

It's hard to tell in this pic, but the Murex is HUGE!

From L to R a Sanibel Turret, Horse Conch, and Lace Murex

Hubby found this beautiful Scallop too!

I am going to post these pictures, and then join him on our last day in paradise for some final relaxation under the umbrella....and finish up by cooking out some steaks on the grill again!!

We hope to beat Emily up the coast, (we catch the train near Orlando tomorrow) and be safely nestled in our home before she hits....I think she will be going out to the Atlantic soon....(I hope!)




  1. beautiful collection of shells Cheri, it is fun to see all the different styles of shells from different places

  2. Great shelling! You found some real beauties. I can't believe you aren't going to tell about your secret project until after Christmas...that is torture! LOL! I totally understand, though. SIGH. I can wait. But, I am really interested to see what the heck you are making!

    Have a safe trip home :D

  3. I think the city of Sanibel should hire Pam as their official shell ambassador. She would be the perfect person to spread that shelling-love.

  4. Looks like a wonderful visit! Glad you got some beautiful photos of the birds, too! Savor the memories!

    beachside cottage

  5. Love that true tulip. And I have met Pam before on a shelling trip to Sanibel. She is a wonderful person.

  6. It was sooo good to meet you!!!! I had to meet my "home" girl AND the shelling sistah called SHELLLADY! Hope we get to catch up the next time you come this way again. Love your finds too!

  7. Perfect finds! So much fun... you are a girl after my own heart. I've been a sheller since I was a kid ;)

  8. I just got back from a trip and rushed over here to see what I've missed the past few days - girl, you have been busy!! I am drooling over your shells. I'm glad you got to meet Pam - isn't she a doll? Can't wait to see what you're going to create with your newest finds. My sister is in a plane right now, on her way to Sanibel. I'm jealous!

  9. SO glad I saw Palms post about her time with you and your husband Cheri... I am now a new, happy follower of your blog and look forward to your posts. You hit the jackpot on your vacay for sure... LOVE that Kings Crown... how magnificent! Just busted my ankle so won't be able to make it over to Sanibel as I so hoped this summer... but I am not giving up! In the meantime I look forward to checking out your archives and enjoying Pams precious blog!..
    Again, many great on some awesome shelling!
    all the best,

    Cathy B
    pbprojecthope at yahoo dot com

  10. whoops.. shouldve spell checked before hitting submit... meant PAM'S post! Sorry!
