Things got better pretty quickly, I found this Lace many variations of these, in color and texture....
and, of course, I'm not going to pass up on a Shark's eye...
I so wanted this True Tulip to be complete...what beautiful color!
This was my favorite find of the day, a Gaudy Nautica with amazing color, it was perfect!
Though the water was gold, it was very clear....see the circle? Can you tell what it is? (you can click the pic to enlarge, then x in the corner brings you back here...)
This is it, Love this size Horse Conch....
Then turned to the right, and this guy was just rolling along!
Such variation in color, about the same size...Perfect!!
I also avoid the Apple Murexs because I have so many, but the colors on this one were beautiful...
I did get a small Alphabet though not very colorful, but I took it anyway!
The final find of the day was this very delicate Lace Murex, so different from the first, much more dainty!
My Shelling Buddy Cheri Flew in today, so we planned to hit the beach as soon as she settled in....We went to the beach and were VERY disappointed at the color of the Dark, darkest I have ever seen....and very rough...
Cheri is good at shelling the waves, My brain can't process things fast enough....I think I need some I shelled the shoreline...My first find was a Flat Scallop....
This is becoming one of my favorites, loving the Flats, all different and so unusual...
2 more variations of Lace Murex...the big Fossil like one with very little lace and color, and the tiny one, not yet lacey...but very colorful! (I apologize, this pic is not in focus, it's hard to tell in the bright sunshine!)
I found another Florida Cone..
But check out the color on this one that Cheri found, Isn't it amazing?!
She Also snagged this Big Alphabet Cone in the surf....I'd say that was a SCORE!
On the way back up the beach Cheri spotted these Eagles in a tree....she says it's a pair, Male and Female. How Awesome to see these Magnificent birds...
Well, the shelling wasn't fantastic, but it's still fun being out on the beach. Stay tuned for one more shelling Adventure before I have to head home....
:( This has been quite a trip, but so much fun....
::Shelllady Hugs::

Wow, that Gaudy Nautica is "gorge"! And those horse conchs, cones, shelling adrenaline lol...Yeah, it's a bummer when the water looks like that. We've been there and experienced it, and will probably experience it in October when we're there. For the most part, I try not to let it bother me, and we've been known to day trip over to Barefoot Beach or Naples just to get to some fabulous green clear water again. Worst time was when I brought my dad and stepmom, and it was their first time visiting Florida and Sanibel, and they were disappointed by the water color. I'm still trying to convince them to come back with us! :(