

Friday, August 22, 2014

Shell Games!

The more side roads you stop to explore, the less likely that life will pass you by. ~Robert Brault

We had another good day shelling yesterday, though we also had a few obstacles thrown our way. Mostly dodging thunderstorms, which required adjustments to our shelling....but you know Shelllady and Hubby will always find a way!

As time goes on this week, the low tides are getting lower, but also later in the afternoon. Yesterday's low tide was to be around 6 pm, which is typically thunderstorm time.  Hubby and I went to the beach about 4 and it was very calm, and the water visibility was good. The tide was going out, I began trying to find the 'honey hole' I found yesterday, but with no luck....that's okay, I found another one, right up close to the shore and began digging. All of a sudden a dark cloud passed over us, and the wind began pushing the water in! No lightning, rain or thunder, but the wind was amazing!  We saw some awesome clouds and even a rainbow! 
 You probably will have to click on the pic to make it larger so you can see the rainbow!

We hung around until the clouds passed over, but the water remained very rough, so we just walked along the shore, and did very well!  Just as we were leaving, we ran into Pam and Clark Rambo from iloveshelling they are such nice people!  After a little visiting, we headed on out.  Shelling was better, but I still would like to find an Alphabet cone before we go home tomorrow!! We haven't even seen one in months!

Much better finds for a days worth of shelling!
My finds 
Hubby's finds
Check out the points on this fighting conch that Hubby picked up!! It even has a sharp point on the top which is so unusual!

End view of the same conch
I found this Apple murex that apparently had been on steroids! It's huge! I don't know if I have ever seen one so big!

One more evening of shelling before we have to head back home....hopefully I will post about my alphie! :)

Stay tuned!

