

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Out for a Spin on the beach!!

Hubby decided to go out to the beach with me this morning!!! It's still negative low tides and we have had rip tides the last couple of days....hoping it would stir us up some shells! He doesn't like going out in the dark, and the lowest tide was to be around all the stars aligned and we gave it a try!! Obviously we weren't the only ones out there taking a 'spin' at the beach! :D

This is a live Apple Murex 'taking a spin' toward a Live Horse Conch, Ark & Cockle!

Here is a live Ark shell 'taking a spin' on the beach!

The weather was Beautiful....and the sky was too, Sanibel Sunrises and Sunsets don't disappoint!!

There were a lot of Live shells out there....especially Scallops...notice the little black/bluish spots along the curves of the shell....those are his eyes!! 

These guys were all over the the high tide line, low tide line and in the water....they're so funny....they periodically 'Chatter' like those old timey windup teeth...and they'll spit water too! You can't help but giggle at them....

Here's a short video...I tried to catch them, but couldn't be in just the right place at the right time...(there's a  longer one (1 min) at the end of this blog post just for fun....

You can see them opening and closing, 'chattering and spitting'!!

There were also lots of live Sea Urchins...

This is a fairy unusual thing to find on these's a Skate Case....Baby Skates are in here and hatch through a slit in the end....
One nickname for them is Mermaids Purse.....

I held this up to the light and could see he was in there so I tried to get a picture of it and returned it to the Gulf....You can barely see some red from the light shining through at the bottom...needed a brighter light to get a good pic!
Hubby seemed to enjoy the walk and the hunt....
I found a nice Olive...a "Sheila Shell" we call them, (I save them for our friend Sheila!)

Believe it or not I actually picked up a Fighting Conch!! I don't usually save them as I have so many....but this one was a bright Orange and I couldn't resist....thats a neon red True Tulip with it! Pictures just don't do them justice!!!

On the left are my finds, on the right are hubby's. We didn't get a whole lot, but we spent some time together, got some beach therapy and saw some cool things!! Always the best!!

Stay tuned!!

::Shelllady Hugs::

PS...Here's a little longer video of the Sea Urchin Chatter! can hear them!! Enjoy!!



  1. Love the blog! So glad hubby went with you . I was subbing today and tomorrow so I will
    Miss early walk. I did yesterday and got lots of shells 🐚🎨

  2. I think hubby bet you! Lol enjoyed your blog!

  3. Really missing those negative tides and shelling. I'm counting the days till I get back home. Beautiful true💙🐚💙
