

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Shellcrafting and Nature

A fool-proof method for sculpting an elephant:  first, get a huge block of marble; then you chip away everything that doesn't look like an elephant.  ~Author Unknown

I thought it was about time for a little update...The last couple of days have been crafting days around here, I found a group of shadow boxes on sale for a good price and decided to do a little crafting!! i could do this for hours!! If I only had the time to do it more often!!
Angel Wing and False angel Wing we found in Jess' spot at Cayo Costa last trip!!
Closeup of the Angel Wings...aren't they Awesome
False Angel Wing
Large to small (top to bottom) Scallops, Pear Whelks, Fighting Conch, and one of my favorites, Horse Conchs
The beautiful Lace Murex 
Coquina Butterflies
Shell Angels
Remember this picture? Pam from took it of Jess on our cruise to Cayo Costa, I had it and a couple of others made into canvas for our house in Florida, it turned out amazing!! It's hard to tell but it's 18 x 24, so it should look nice in the group of others that are smaller.  I will have to show you how they look when I get them 'installed'!! :)

A few weeks ago, the HOA here put in 2 Alligator decoys in our pond with hopes of keeping away the groups of Canada Geese that have covered our grass in the neighborhood.  The funny part was, they didn't tell anybody! You would have won the $10,000 prize on Americas Funniest Videos if you had seen our neighbor and Jess and I when we saw the Gator!! It was just before we went to Sanibel and it really freaked us out!! It has worked fairly well at keeping a lot of them away, but the ones that were born here I think have figured out the hoax.  Apparently this turtle has too!! I thought this was cute!!

The sky was amazing tonight, unfortunately I thought to get the camera a little too late!




  1. LOVE what you did with the shells! Chablis and I finally started working with the ones we got on our trip in May. I'll post pictures when we're finished. We spent all day on them today. We sat on our deck in our bathing suits and painted frames and then filled them. Such fun!

    1. Thanks Kim! How about that We'un Shellers all had the same great thoughts at the same time!! I can't wait to see your pictures!

  2. I have sooooo many shells from many places and need the time to do stuff with them. Just trying to keep up on washing them let alone sorting and such. But I your shadow boxes... and the canvas picture is awesome...great ideas!!!

    1. Thanks Traci...It's a great time since you're supposed to be resting!! :)

    2. BTW I just went at bought some more Shadow boxes! some a little bigger though...Michaels has them BOGO!

  3. I LOVE your shadow boxes! What a great idea. How do you affix them to the back of the box?

  4. Thanks!! I used hot glue to hold them to a piece of heavy poster board.

  5. Cheri
    I really like the angel wings. I bet I know where all these craft projects are headed. Carol was just talking about doing something with the shells we brought back from Captiva. I have been doing some crafting myself out in the garage. (Not shells though) Maybe I'll post a couple of pictures on my blog so you can see what I've been up to.

    1. Thanks RC ...Post your picks RC I'd like to see!!
