

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Post Eta Shelling, A Better Day, the Eyes have it!

 The shelling on my trip yesterday was ok, not great, it is always a great walk, no matter how early it is! As I've said a million times, and will continue to say, the therapy is amazing! My time is quickly growing to a close so I plan on savoring every moment!

I did find a couple of True Tulip beauties just waiting for me to pick them up!

I will always pick up a pair of Sunray Venus!

I was fascinated by these Sea Anemones that had created a little garden in the middle of the tidal pool among the parchment worms and Dosinia pairs...
Look at all of them!

That was yesterday, today was different.....I was greeted by more signs of life....which I love...

I picked this Orange Ridged Sea star up and carefully placed him in the Gulf...
along with several of these Live Cockles...

I saw several of these Live Lightning Whelks, nice sized ones like these two...

I slowly walked along the tidal pool for quite a distance.....I decided to head out to a little deeper water, and ran across these pockets of shells....Fighting Conchs, Banded Tulips, two scoops I got these guys...
Don't get me wrong, I just have entirely too many others, ....but I still can't pass up Shark's Eyes (My Dad's favorite, so I keep them whenever found as a message from him) and one of my favorites....Horse Conchs, any size! 

The Olive is a favorite of my friend Sheila, who rarely gets here so I save them for her!! I call them "Sheila Shells"! ;)

As I crossed over the sandbar to a little deeper water I ran across this creature!! I thought it was a Moon Jelly at first, which are harmless... but after seeing those tentacles, I'm not sure that is what he was...he was on his back, and the tide was coming in so I decided to let Nature handle this one!! He was huge!

Then I started finding Sharks eyes....all with the 'eye' peeking out of the sand. They were in about knee deep water....people everywhere and no one else was seeing them, or at least weren't attempting to pick them up....again They are a message for me...
I reached down to pick this beauty up, (always check the sand around them) and look what came up with it!!!

It had gotten lighter and was now easier to see without the flashlight as fog had come in and had completely hidden the sunrise....
I looked down and saw this....I just knew it was alive, but I always give it a slight little tug to check.....the picture is a little distorted since it's under water....
Remember....always scoop up around it....

A nice Lightning Whelk, with great points and 2 tiny worn Alphabet Cones and a Pear Whelk!!
one more check brings a nice colorful Nutmeg and a tiny Shark's eye!
I walked a little further....see another eye peeking at me through the sand....

What a beauty this was...and so big!!!

Wait...what was that I felt?  Boom!! Another Alphie!!
Ok, this is REALLY a lot of fun.....

 it happened one more time!!! Boom!!
Loving this!!! That was it with the Cones....THREE!!! (actually 5 if you count the 2 worn minis).... Not a normal day for me!! 

I won't keep showing you Shark's eyes over again.....Here's how the morning ended up!
I'll take it....wouldn't you? Best shelling I've had in a long time in a very small area and short time!

Well, I haven't decided yet whether to go back out before Shellcrafters tomorrow morning, we shall see... Hopefully I'll be posting some more fun finds soon! Stay tuned!!

::Shelllady Hugs::

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog !! Love reading your blog!! It’s like actually being and the walk with you. The pictures are amazing !! Thank you for sharing this 🐚🥰
