

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Twenty Years Ago....

Twenty years ago today I married my walking partner and best friend. For our Honeymoon, we came for the very first time to a little island we had heard of from a friend, called Sanibel. We stayed at Sundial Beach Resort, who would have ever guessed that today, twenty years later, we would walk in the same tidal pool in front of Sundial! How cool is that?

We actually started the day at Jerry's for breakfast, then headed to the lighthouse. It was so foggy, you couldn't see the lighthouse itself! If you really look, you can see it....just barely!

It was a nice low tide, and there was lots of life out there....See this BEAUTIFUL True Tulip?....
 Occupied by a Hermit Crab....
This Calico Crab was all snuggled down waiting for the tide to come back in....he was looking rather grumpy.....but Cozy!
These are squid eggs! They were just nonchalantly floating along the tidal pool....
We found very little, mostly minis, so we decided to go to another beach and check it out there, we still had plenty of time before low tide. On the way back the the sun had burned off the fog around the lighthouse...
But it was still looming over the Gulf...
Here is what I found....
We headed West down the beach a little further, and ended up in front of Sundial, the tidal pool had very little in it this time...Another pretty True Tulip
 Occupied by another Hermit Crab...I'm thinking he needs a bigger shell!
This Lightning Whelk had one of those Big Red Hermits in it, like I showed you the video of the other day....remember Sebastian? 
I scooped up an Apple Murex....that was also occupied and got this little guy too! He was not happy to be out of his comfort zone, so after a quick pic, back he went into the pool....
We didn't even see many live Lightning Whelks this trip, Hubby did find this one as we were headed back in....check out the points on this guy!

One scoop brought up this pair....they were having a serious discussion and did not want to be bothered, so they just stuck together....It's a Sharks Eye and an Oyster Drill, both occupied with hermit crabs.... 
I tried again to get a video of another live Scallop, they just will not act silly once you point the camera at them...kinda like kids, right? Notice his 'eyes' all along the edges of the shell! (click the pic to enlarge, then just click the 'x' in the top right corner to return)

I found this tiny Fighting Conch with what I believe is a Chiton on it?! Have never seen this before!
This is disturbing, I don't know what this is from, or why is was in the tidal pool, but I found this tail from something, on the bottom. It was beautiful, but It made me sad...
We had a great time, but didn't come home with large bags of shells, but we enjoyed ourselves and it was a beautiful day as always!

My finds.... (BTW, I boiled the sunray venus at the top, so it's orange now!)
Hubby's finds...
I hadn't thought about us spending the day in front of the place we spent our honeymoon until we got home.  I Thought it was a great way to start our Anniversary, even if it was and accident!

I fly back home to VA tomorrow, back to real life and cold, I have lots to do and catch up on but I hope to be back right after Thanksgiving. Hubby is staying here in Florida....such a lucky guy!!!

Stay tuned and thanks for coming along and your kind comments!

::Shelllady Hugs::