Team Cheri continues to hit the beaches early, in the dark, mainly because of the cool things that are out there....Tuesday was Tellin day! We didn't find much else, but as we were heading back, just after sunrise, Cheri noticed a few tellins...the more she looked the more she saw! It was amazing!! We both filled up our scoops with Tellins...they are actually called Alternate Tellins...
I love them because they make beautiful flowers....I couldn't believe how many there were!
Wednesday was Scallop day..... as we were walking the beach, we noticed many live scallops on the high tide line,
I had to take a video...these guys are so cool...notice the row of eyes along their shell on the top and bottom....
Cheri knew it was long time before they would see water so she began to put them back in the gulf first it was a few here and there, then it got ridiculous....there were SO Many! I joined in and she was filling bags and I was filling my scoop and putting them back in.....
It felt like there were hundreds of them out there!!!
Of course, I always have to get a shot of the sunrise....I love this glow!
Today was Crab day....the beach had so many Flame box Crabs...they are the coolest looking things, and some of these were really small!.....
I did see one small calico crab out there with them.....
The Pelicans and Skimmers were out there too....obviously it was breakfast time!
I just love these guys! Notice how he looks like he has a bowl haircut!! :D
and here came a couple of dolphin....!! I just knew we were in for a show! Of course, I didn't get it....but he did one fast pass toward the shoreline....
Then just slowly followed them along the shore....
We were hoping to find a few Flats on the walk....we found several partials....
I finally did find one with a small chip out of it....
Cheri got one too!
I did find a nice Shark's Eye....
a cute little Bittersweet...
a piece of a Lions Paw...
and Cheri found a Junonia Cob
and a couple of cute minis...a true tulip and Bright orange Scallop
as I said, my trip is rapidly coming to an end, hopefully I will have another couple of adventures to post before it does!!
Stay tuned....
::Shelllady Hugs::