Though a bit chilly, there was a lot of life out there in the dark, lots of live Cockles....
I believe that's a tiny hermit drawing patterns in the sand....
These are live Bubble Shells, they were all over the beach drawing all kinds of pictures....
a live Olive....
and I can't help but think this live Sand Dollar was attempting to use the sand as a blanket to keep warm...
I thought this was interesting, though creepy... a skull of a bird of some sort...
Cheri found a tiny Calico Crab that was still live, but very still.....she put him back into the warm water after his photo op....
The Wentletraps started showing up in the dark.....there is a rice olive in this picture too, see it?
another Wentle...
The sunrise never disappoints here....
It made it much easier to see the minis.....
Check out this beautiful mini Lace Murex...
Cheri found another Arrow Dwarf Triton....(sorry, bad pic, a bit out of focus)
and a pretty Lacey Lace Murex...
You have to look very closely for the never know where they will be....
see it?
This was my fav of the day, this guy was a 'biggie'!
I'm not sure how many Cheri found, but here is a picture inside her container at one point....looks pretty good to me!
...and mine...
When the day was done, I counted 45 wentles I found....
along with LOTS of other minis!
Love those minis!
Stay tuned for more adventures....I hope you all have a safe and Happy New Year! See you next year!!!
::Shelllady Hugs::