Today was the first day I left the house, and decided to do something a little different. My parking pass also works at the boat ramp on Sanibel and I have always wanted to check out the beach beside it so I figured why not go on an adventure?!
The path from the parking lot leads right below the causeway bridges...
As you can tell the water was very clear, I could feel myself getting better by the minute...just something about the Gulf that will heal whatever ails ya!
When I first stepped off the path to the beach I saw this little land snail shell that was vacant, so it came home with me!
There were huge piles of plain white shells all along this little beach...
The water was nice and clear and I saw this Live Lightening Whelk...
Put him back safely in the Gulf, and continued on down the little beach...
I did find a set of Rose Tellins, which I don't find very often! The practically glowed against all the stark white shells...
I found this shell tree at the very end of the beach! The story goes that you find a shell with a hole in it and place it on the tree while making a wish...I love the traditions on this island!! :) Several people have been here before me and made their wishes!
I thought for a minute I had Scored with this Kings Crown....
unfortunately, not this time!!
I headed back up the beach and snapped a quick pic of Sanibel Lighthouse just up the beach the other way!
Then back to my tried and true beach, Gulfside Park beach... It was REALLY rough and the waves were really rolling in! It's hard to see that in this pic, but this guy was really surfing out there!
The seafoam was all over the beach!
I think this guy gave up on fishing...he was probably sea sick!
I walked my normal route and alas, found no shells, but I still enjoy the may be my last this trip! It's supposed to be stormy here tomorrow and we are to head back to the Blizzard up North on Sunday!!! (Maybe)
Stay tuned!
::Shelllady Hugs::